Here's an easy place to find some of the other groups and institutions I've been a part of or involved with.
Crab Claw Creative
A production and general creative design group started by me and my friend Duncan Star Boszko. We've taken on some small video projects including Seattle's 48 Hour Filmoff, and we host the annual Horrible Art Gala .
City of Bellevue - Parks & Community Services Department
Worked amongst two small groups of fellow students in a planning studio, where we helped the City of Bellevue begin planning their Lake to Lake Trail project. More info on the Geography page, and some on the Design page, too.
Society for Advanced Rocket Propulsion (SARP UW)
SARP has been conquering the skies for the last ten years, and I've been fortunate to play a small role in such. I've done a variety of work for the group, which you can find under several different "Skill pages" on this website.
University of Washington - Seattle
What is a university other than one giant team? (If I say that will they give me a job writing the pamphlets?) I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Geography after Autumn of 2020, after also studying various bits of policy, coding, and design, when I was given the opportunity to. I also studied a bit of math and physics, but unless you want to discuss linear algebra...let's not talk about those courses. You can find my full, unofficial transcript here.